Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Memory Lane

I am working on my Personal History and living a bit in the past. It is fun to go down memory lane and remember all the past good times. These pictures should bring back memories for some of you as well.

Happy Family Reunion Time in Caldwell - even looking at the red brick 2016 Idaho Street home brings back memories! Let me know if you can put a year on this picture.

This happy reunion is was I refer to as "The Uncle Tom's Cabin" Reunion! We had a great time in Island Park that year. If you know the year this reunion took place - let me know!


  1. Fun to go down memory lane. The first one was in 1981.

  2. I love those pictures!!! I agree w/ my mom, the first one is 1981.

  3. Hi Patty from Hilton Head. We've been thinking about you a lot. the first picture is 1981, the cabin picture is 1980.

  4. Oops that last comment was from Joan, I guess I was signed in as Sarah.

  5. And this is Sarah now. Looks like a fun time! Fun to see all the cousins as little kiddos!

  6. Such fun pictures! I've never seen either of those. I'm late to the game, but yes the first one is 1981, the year I was born. :)

  7. Awwww... I love that Grandpa is holding my hand. What a great family picture! I remember that trip-- it was so much fun! And, I have to say, it looks like Hal is holding Gigi! I didn't realize how much that cutie looks like Jessica.

  8. These pics are great! I love that I'm crying in the first one!
