Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Monday, February 21, 2011

Some of my favorite people were born in February!

Lots of important people in my life were born in February.

Our Adam celebrates his birthday on Ground Hog Day February 2nd.

Whitney celebrated her 24th birthday this year on February 3rd!

Kelly's birthday is February 13th and always comes during Red Mountain's busiest time of the year.

Gigi was born February 19th and is now 1 year old!!

Mom's birthday was February 5th and Dad's was February 18th which was also Mom and Dad's anniversary date. This photo was taken in Hawaii in 1950. My thoughts have been of days past as I am working on my Personal History and going through all of the old photos. I love this picture of Mom and Dad!

Pam's birthday is February 14th - Valentine's Day. I enjoy all the pictures from our Hawaii years - what a wonderful time in our lives living in paradise!

I know that there are many more important people who call February their birthday month and I didn't mean to leave anyone out but I am sure you can see why February is such an important Birthday month for me!

I am learning of other family members with February birthdays - Mindy, Stacy and Tom's son Jake (both on February 18th) - if you know of other family members with February birthdays help me build the list!!


  1. February is a very busy birthday month for our family! Thanks for helping me remember. I've also been thinking about Mom and Dad this month.

  2. The month of love is very appropriate for all the birthdays of people you love. I share my birthday with Grandpa Gabe! I love that I have his same birthday and their wedding anniversary. I'd remember this and think of them every year on my birthday. Now Stacy's son Jake has that same birthday too. Lots to celebrate on February 18th!

  3. February has always been a big one in our family. Maybe that's why I love February so much. Michelle's is today- the 21st, and Aaron's is this month, too. Happy birthday to all of you!!!!

  4. I love this post and the picture of Grandma and Grandpa! Happy happy birthday to you all!

  5. For being the shortest month of the year, it is amazing how many February birthdays there are in our Gabrielsen clan! February is the month of love and I think our family is loaded with it!

  6. Love the pic of Grandma and Grandpa in Hawaii!

  7. Wow!! I had no idea so many people in our family had February birthdays!! What is going on 9 months before February??:) I didn't realize poor Kelly's birthday is right before their busiest work day of the year. What luck!
