Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Min Fei

A recent highlight of the mission thus far was the baptism last Sunday - (Sept. 22, 2013) of a YSA girl from China - Min Fei.  We became friends with her when the elders that were teaching her brought her to YSA Family Home Evening and Institute.  She is a very bright young girl born in Wuhan, China.  I had to include that fact because Wuhan is where our Jessica taught English to Chinese children a number of years ago.  As I shared this fact with her when we first met, our friendship began.  Min Fei is here in Berlin to further her studies in Mechanical Engineering.  She was the "golden" investigator with a wonderful quest for religious truth.  We had the privilege of assisting with her teaching and preparation for baptism.  Such experiences are truly
 the sweetest part of missionary work!


  1. Congratulations! What an awesome experience.
    I love your picture at the top of the blog with all your grandkids. So cute!

  2. How wonderful! Congratulations to her and you. I love the picture at the top of the blog. I've been analyzing it and seeing if I can see who goes where. I haven't seen Allison's kids for so long, I didn't recognize them! They are all so cute and all look so good in their matching clothes.

  3. How neat! I miss Wuhan and want to go back there someday. And I love your new blog header pic too!

  4. What a beautiful experience, being in on baptizing Min Fei. Young adults earnestly seeking the truth are so inspirational. It makes you wish that all young adults were doing that in this scary world. I LOVE the new header pic of you and your beautiful grandkids!
