Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Monday, January 17, 2011

Precious Family

This past weekend was a happy and sad time for me. Happy because I was able to see ALL of my siblings and their spouses and spend a short but wonderful time with them as well as see all but one of my Gabrielsen Cousins! Sad because what brought us together was Uncle Alvin's viewing and graveside service.

The viewing in Ogden was truly like a joyous family reunion as we hugged and spoke with all aunts, uncles and cousins. Then, after the viewing all my siblings and spouses gathered for a quick bite to eat and a short meeting together.

Saturday morning found us at the Logan Cemetery to pay our last respects to Uncle Alvin. It was a short but tender service with military honors and an outstanding talk by my cousin Ellen and dedication of the grave by my cousin Evan. What a wonderful family I am privileged to be a part of! They are truly precious to me!

ALL siblings and spouses!

The Gabrielsen Cousins with Uncle Ronald, Aunt Grace & Aunt Nedra

Kay, Pam & Patty at Mom & Dad's Graves


  1. I was so thankful we were able to be there for the viewing. We do have a precious family and it is so great to feel the strength of family ties and temple covenants.

  2. It was wonderful to be there and feel everyone's love and testimony. It will be a treasured memory. I am so glad to get these pictures, too. I hope you don't mind me stealing them and using them on my blog??? I'm still camera-less.

  3. It sounds like it was such a sweet and sincere funeral. The Gabrielsen family is really amazing and strong!

  4. LOVED being with our family, both extended and Mom and Dad's kids, though brief! I truly do draw strength from all of you and love you so much!
