Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Milestone

Yesterday was a milestone for us - our oldest grandson - Treygan received the Aaronic Priesthood! Evan conferred the Priesthood on him and ordained him to the office of a deacon. It was a special day and we are so proud of him! Treygan is a happy and obedient boy and we are thankful for his example to his sisters and his cousins!
Being a grandparent represents all the best of life and I am so grateful to have 12 wonderful grandkids!
This event marked the conclusion to a wonderful Thanksgiving Season - we love our family and feel so very blessed to be able to spend time with them!


  1. Wow! Congratulations! That is a big milestone. As you were ordaining a grandson yesterday, we were blessing a new one in Wisconsin. Happy, happy day!

  2. That's wonderful! I can't believe he's 12 already.

  3. Oh my Patty you must be getting old ;) Congrats to Treygan, that is a wonderful milestone.

  4. This is a particularly cool milestone - what a good-lookin' kid! I LOVE the photo of your family! Gorgeous!

  5. Congrats to Treygan! He is growing up so fast.
