We enjoyed beautiful weather throughout September - very dry (several fires in other areas) but we were blessed not to have any in Elk Ridge.
The fall colors were beautiful!
We gathered for a "Come Follow Me lesson" and to celebrate the September birthdays.
Our September birthday girls are Tricia, Evie and Sareya.
The night of September 15th brought this gorgeous "blood moon" caused by a lunar eclipse of the sun which gives the moon it's red color!
Late September and into October
September 29th we traveled to Boise to visit Becky and Steve Smith - dear friends for many years. After we arrived, they first took us to see Steve's new development project at the 10 mile exit off the freeway - it includes a huge multi story complex of doctor's offices, restaurants, dry cleaners, and several hundred upscale apartments. After our tour we then went to a new restaurant in Eagle, CRAVE, for dinner. The food was wonderful start to finish! I ordered the halibut and it was the best I have ever eaten. Hal ordered the filet mignon and he said it was delicious. After dinner we returned to Smith's home and had a pleasant evening visiting and catching up on each other's lives.
The next morning we left to drive to McCall to stay with Smith's in their lakeside home. The home is beautiful and the setting has an incredible view of Payette Lake. The weather was perfect and the lake was glassy and calm.
These photos show views from Smith's home and deck.
It was so relaxing and fun to spend three days with the Smiths. We love to reminisce about serving together in Russia and other happy memories that we share. We don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like. They are an amazing and generous couple and do so many good things to help others.
Trip to the Oregon Coast
Our next stop was John and Cindy's home where we spent two nights with them before leaving to go to the coast.

It is always fun to visit John and Cindy!
We love the Oregon coast with its beautiful views of the ocean and of course the wonderful, fresh seafood that we can't get enough of!
Taken near Depoe Bay
The views of the coastline were spectacular! We were blessed with beautiful weather - sunshine and blue skies until it rained on the day we let!
A picture of our cute Joanie in front of a cute shop - Joan-E.
Tom and Joan joined us and we all stayed at Salishan Resort in Lincoln City. Our room was spacious and the fireplace was a welcome addition. We had a little view of Selitz Bay from our balcony. The guys went golfing in the mornings and Cindy, Joan and I went into Lincoln City and Depoe Bay to shop and explore. We then met the guys to eat lunch together. We loved the clam chowder at the Sea Hag restaurant and returned to eat there twice.
After lunch, we all walked around Depoe Bay and then went for drives to see the coast and other small towns lining the coastline. We drove as far south as Yachats with stops to admire the scenery and take walks on the beach. Otter Rock near Depoe Bay
The Devil's Punchbowl also near Depoe Bay
Walking the beach -Yachats
Conrad, Hailey and kids stay with us
Hailey and Conrad moved to a new home in Saratoga Springs and while they were waiting for it to be finished, they stayed with us for three weeks.
It was good to have them and the kids there with us. Dex and Lou made the "Happy Halloween" and Pumpkin that you see hanging in the above photo. They painted some wooden cutouts that I had and they did a great job!
Dex had gone after school a couple of times to play with his friend Jack, so we then invited Jack to come to our house one afternoon. The kids did more painting, this time, they painted wooden birdhouses.
On another afternoon after school, Jack met us at a nearby park to play and fly the paper airplanes they had made. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a great time playing together.
They also had fun on the playground equipment and we then visited Tricia and her kids at their home which overlooks this park.
It was a great afternoon! Treygan gets engaged!
Treygan has been dating a darling girl from Idaho Falls - Brytan Hudman - who also served in the Minneapolis, Minnesota Mission which is where they met. Treygan was English speaking and Brytan was Spanish speaking. They began dating shortly after they both came home last July a year ago. Brytan went with Treygan and his family to New York over Fall break and they were engaged there on October 17th! Brytan is a lovely girl and they are well matched! They plan to be married in the Payson temple January 21, 2021. We couldn't be happier!
Bob and Susan Visit

Our long time friends, Bob and Susan Taylor stopped for a short visit on their way to Richfield, Utah where Susan's brother lives. They spent the night with us and it was good to reconnect with them!
Ruby makes a pretty Rey (from Rise of Skywalker)!
We didn't have many of our grandkids stop at our house on Halloween this year, so I only have pictures of Ruby in her costume and Dex and London in their costumes.
Lou is a cute little witch and Dex a character from Minecraft.