Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Friday, May 3, 2013

Big changes ahead!

We are almost ready to turn our papers in for another mission.  On Sunday we have our interview with the Stake President and then they will be submitted!  It has taken longer than we thought to get everything together and interviews lined up. We hope to go next month but we will see what happens when we actually receive our call.  In the meantime...
The MTC is ramping up as more and more missionaries come.

 Last night we attended a special meeting with the MTC presidency and the branch presidents and wives of 8 of the MTC branches - (there are currently 68 branches at the MTC with new branches being created weekly as the number of missionaries grows). We were asked to be a part of the pilot branches that will go to the 2nd MTC campus at Raintree Commons with housing at nearby Wyview Park.  Each of the 8 branches will have 35- 45 missionaries and will be a part of this pilot group as they work out the kinks and get ready for many more branches of missionaries to come this summer and fall. They believe the peak will be in October. Our branch along with 3 other branches will make the move May 28th and the other 5 branches of this pilot group will move over to what they are calling the West Campus during the following 5 weeks. The Raintree apartments have been cleared of all furniture and are being painted and fixed to house classrooms and teaching stations in the three bedrooms and living room.
  They will bring in some kind of module or modules to the parking lot to be used as a cafeteria. We don't know exactly where these will be placed or if there will be more than one. Lots of planning and work is going on at a furious pace to have everything prepared in time. MTC Devotionals will be held at the Marriot Center. It is wonderful to see so many missionaries at the MTC with 47% sisters  currently- this number changes weekly as the missionaries arrive and depart. 
 You can feel the excitement in the air!

Three new languages will be added to our branch in the weeks to come - Malagasy, Indonesian and Malay. We now have missionaries learning - Latvian, Lithuanian, Armenian, Georgian and Greek.
We love working with these young men and women and watching their remarkable growth and progress as they learn difficult languages and how to be an effective missionary.
It is truly awesome to see the prophet Daniel's prophecy fulfilled as "...a stone was cut without hands...became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." Daniel 2:34-35  This surge of righteous young missionaries is certainly a part of that fulfillment!
For us, we will continue to serve at the MTC and await our call to see what changes the coming weeks will bring for us - we will keep you posted!


  1. So fun to see the pictures of the missionaries from the MTC and so exciting that you get to be a part of it. You are such great examples to us all!

  2. Can't wait to find out where you are going! That is a wonderful report on what's going on with the missionaries and we have shared some of that info with interested others. We have been on one sojourn out of town after another, but I'm excited to catch up with you at some point. Miss you!
