Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Battle With The Birds

A pair of robins (sounds innocent enough) are determined to build a nest on the brick ledge of the transom over our front door. At first I thought the wind had blown the debris onto the front porch and I cleaned everything up. The next morning there was another mess on the porch and I swept everything up again. James was visiting this time and showed me the beginnings of the bird nest above the door. He took all the twigs, string, grass etc. off the ledge. The following day when I discovered yet another mess, I declared war on the robins! Every morning they have worked hard to rebuild the nest and I work hard with my broom to remove it! I feel a little guilty destroying all of their diligent efforts - after all they are just trying to build a nest in a safe place but then I remember the front porch of a lady in our Salem ward that I used to visit teach. Birds had nested above her front door and the mess was incredible - bird poop covered the front porch and was disgusting. So... my plan is to prevent them from ever creating a nest. However, this is easier said than done! They are incredibly determined - I have been going out 3 or 4 times a day to remove the mess and there they are making a new mess and so goes the battle. They watch me from the roof and the trees and I know they are plotting their next move!  I have tried lecturing them and asking them to choose a different location for their nest - but to no avail - they have plans for our brick ledge!  I just checked online about what could be done and so - I am off to the dollar store to buy a fake rubber snake which I will place on the ledge. I will let you know if this works - wish me luck!  I hope I don't scare off people coming to visit us!

          The mess I find multiple times each day!  Fallout from the nest building effort!

         Culprit number 1 - hiding in the trees!  Chirping messages to his lady friend!
          These birds look innocent but they are not!
Culprit number 2 taunting me from the roof!
Note the twig in the beak - just waiting for a chance to add it to the nest!


  1. Oh man that is no fun!! My mom used to cut a big face from a magazine ad and pin it up when they were trying to build a nest. It seemed to work but then you have a face above your door. The rubber snake seems like a great idea, I hope it works for you.

    I loved hearing the stories about your Russian visitors, I always think it is so interesting to hear what others have to say about our country.

  2. LOVE this post! So funny to read about, but not so funny to deal with, right? Mother Nature"s voice must have a strong grip on these birds! Build, build, build!

  3. AND that's the difference between you and Ken. He wanted birds to nest above our door so bad, he built a platform on the top of the brick pillar. It worked. We now have doves and Say's Phoebe's who fight over the spot every year. Luckily, the doves win because they are not as messy and they don't attack my voice students when they come (unlike the Phoebe who had the spot three years ago.) The doves are more mild and less messy. They have three clutches of eggs each spring. The first pair of babies have already fledged, and she's sitting on the 2nd clutch as we speak. And that folks, is what it's like being married to a bird man!

  4. I can relate to your robin battle Patty. We have a duck battle in our backyard. Each spring mallard ducks want to nest behind the pool, so when we see them back there we chase them off. We thought we had won the battle until this morning when I heard quacking. I looked out the window and guess what? A mama duck and 5 little ducklings were waddling out on the patio. Mother nature wins again! I should have tried the snake.

  5. Ha ha that is so funny and annoying! Hopefully the toy snake works out.

  6. I had to laugh at this post. I love the picture of you lecturing the birds. We've been battling some birds trying to take over our second story dryer vent. The side of our house is covered with bird poop. Our only idea was to tie up an old baby doll on the side of the the house but that would have looked kind of creepy from the road.

  7. haha this was so funny to read about. Less funny I'm sure for you having to deal with the birds! Keep us posted on whether or not the rubber snake works out.

  8. This is too funny! Those naughty little birds!! I can't believe how determined they are to make their nest right there and not just find somewhere else. Reminds me of that Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds." Get rid of them while you still can! :)
