Pal and Hatty in Paradise

Friday, February 12, 2010

Patty is blogging now!

Well, here goes - my first attempt at blogging. Joan is at my side trying to guide me through.
She came to visit and we have had some fun "sister time". Shopping, lunch and many other important things have filled our time. Since returning from our mission I just can't get enough of spending time with my family.


  1. Wahoo! Welcome to the blogging world!!! I am so excited. I'm so glad you guys are having a good time together. Love the blue backgroud- perfect for you!

  2. Welcome to the blog world. It's a fun addiction!

  3. PRIVATE???? NO! Welcome to the blogging world!

  4. Hooray!! Welcome to a new and wonderful internet addiction!!:)

  5. Hi Pal and Hatty!!! Just found your blog from a comment on one of Tricia's posts. So excited to see you guys on here, welcome to the blogging world! The two new grandbabies are beautiful!! Congratulations!
