Brytan's Bridal Shower
Brytan previously had a shower in Idaho Falls with her family and friends there but Kelly wanted to have a shower for family and close friends in Utah so we were happy to have an opportunity to be a part of that!
While going to school in Salt Lake City, Brytan had been living with a friend and her children, so of course they were invited.
We started with lunch - Kelly and Sareya made chicken salad, croissant sandwiches, and a green salad, I brought a veggies and dip plate, Tricia brought a fruit plate and Kelly's mom (Taffy) and her sister Crystal brought peanut butter brownies for dessert.

London came with Hailey - she doesn't like to look at or smile for the camera!

After lunch we played some games and ended with a game where Brytan tried to match answers with Trygan's answers, that he had previously given and recorded. Whenever she missed one of the questions, she had to add a stick of gum to chew - by the end of the game she had a big wad of gum and could hardly talk, but she was a good sport about it!

Kelly's sister, Krystle and her mom, Taffy.

Tricia, Jessica and Hailey

After the games, Brytan opened her gifts.
Brytan and Treygan's Wedding Announcement
Wedding Day - January 21, 2021
Brytan and Treygan were sealed in the Payson Temple in a beautiful and wonderful ceremony. It was so nice to return to the temple after 10 months of not being able to go!
The weather that day really cooperated and was sunny and not too cold!
Below is a picture of Brytan and Treygan when they came out of the temple after the sealing - they both look SO happy!
Brytan is talking with some of her bridesmaids. I like this photo because you can see her beautiful veil - the edges were lined with delicate rhinestones.
Three of our favorite bridesmaids! Kyra, Sareya and Aleeya.
Treygan with his sisters
The bride and groom with the Hudman Family
The bride and groom with Kelly and Evan
Brytans's bouquet is so lovely!
Brytan and Treygan with the Mickelsen Family
Grandma and Grandpa Mickelsen with the bride and groom
Brytan with ALL 8 of her bridesmaids!
After the photos were taken outside the temple, we all went to the Maplewood Events Center in Spanish Fork for a ring ceremony, a dinner and then the reception. For the temple sealing, only parents, grandparents and best man and 1maid of honor were able to attend due to Covid so a ring ceremony was held to include more family and friends.The Ring Ceremony
Aleeya and one of the groomsmen (Brytan's brother)
Kyra with another of the brother groomsmen
Brytan with her father
Brytan and Treygan each spoke words about why they love each other.
The rings are exchanged!
The Wedding Dinner

The tables in the events center were beautifully decorated with greenery and flowers from Red Mountain Floral and Mountain Bloom. Evan's employees did all of the decorating! I love the soft pink and ivory flowers with the background of greenery.
Hungry grandkids waiting for the dinner!
Allison and Jon
Preston & Alex
Grandma & Grandpa
Hailey & Conrad (with a photo bomber in the background!)
Jessica & Adam
Tricia & James
ALL the grandkids were there!
The Reception
Aleeya and Gigi with a cousin from Kelly's side of the family
The reception refreshments were beautiful as well as yummy!!
More of the gorgeous flowers! The hall was filled with them!
The beautiful bride in the arch made of greenery and flowers
The wedding Cake
It was a wonderful day and lovely celebration of the creation of the new Treygan and Brytan Mickelsen Family!!